ShowChrome 52-797
Dossier pilote "insert" amovible
En Stock
2 799,30 Dh
1 999,50 Dh
Dossier pilote "insert" : sans armature externe, dossier amovible (démontage sans outils). Petite pochette derrière le dossier. Ajustable en hauteur de 2.54cm et de 7.62 cm en profondeur.
Le système de maintien est inséré dans la selle. Adaptable aussi sur les selles chauffantes.Livré avec le nécessaire de montage.
Vendu à l'unité
Big Bike Parts® adds to the adjustability of its Smart Mount™ Backrests with a quick detachable design. The backrest seat mount and backrest mount have been redesigned to incorporate a slide lock system that allows the backrest mount to attach through the seat opening onto two lock bolts that easily secures the backrest. A little lift and pivot forward or back, depending on fitment, allows the entire backrest pad and assembly to be removed in seconds with no above the seat hardware visible. Big Bike Parts® views this as a running change so no price changes will be coming. All seven new quick detach Smart Mount™ Backrests are in stock and shipping.
REMOVABLE SMART MOUNT, Backrest Through the Seat, For GL1800 Goldwing Adjustable, 1" Vertical & 3" Horizontal , Made in USA
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